Take Notice: Misc goods & chattels belonging to the following persons stored at the Regina StorageMart facilities will be sold due to unpaid charges:
495 Maxwell Crescent- #313 - George Brooks - Umbrella, Chair, Tent, Tire, Broom #625 - Jordan Elliot - Dresser, 2 End Table, Weights, Couch, Love Seat, Cot, Shoe Rack, bed & bedframe, 2 Sleighs, totes, Art Work, clothing, Household Items
2750 Sandra Schmirler Way - #734- Chad Golding- Plastic Tree, Trampoline, toaster oven, kids bikes, vacuum, BBQ, Dresser x 2, shoe rack, Christmas Tree, couch, love seat, end tables, bed, fan, lamps, kitchen table, chairs, boxes, toys #805- Larissa Sellers- Leather chair, TV, Rake, Shovel, bed, Leather Sectional couch, Air conditioner, Vacuum, TV stand, End tables, Art work, boxes, misc household items #862- Margaret Gerald- Fish tank, Jack, Car Stands, Bike, Stroller, tools
*The sale will be Jan 17/17@ 12:00PM Auction will be held at ibid4storage.com, all bids are for entire contents of storage unit. CASH ONLY!