Take Notice: Misc goods & chattels belonging to the following persons stored at the Regina StorageMart facilities will be sold due to unpaid charges:
2750 Sandra Schmirler Way - #223 Bruce Allen - Pots & Pans, Dishes, Cleaning Supplies, shoes, misc. kitchen items, household items, hiking backpack, clothing #318 Devon Maxie - Air Con, beds, TV, kids bed, baby gates, car-seat & booster seat, sofa & love seat, misc. toys, shelving stand, dressers #403-Andrea Corrigal - Stroller, Art work, shoes, end tables, microwave, misc. kitchen supplies, humidifier, luggage , table, trunk, hangers, foam mattress, laundry baskets, high chair, toboggan, misc. kids toys, boxes of misc household items #708- Shelby Curtis - Speakers, Vanity Mirror, Tool Box, long boards, clothing, TV’s, computer monitor, corner desk, cooler, Boxes & Totes of misc household items
*The sale will be May 23/17@ 12:00PM Auction will be held at ibid4storage.com, all bids are for entire contents of storage unit. CASH ONLY!